22 Following


Ruining Me - Nicole Reed Wow! This book had me hooked throughout. The author deals with some serious issues. I loved the flashbacks describing the significant, life changing event that happened to Jay and the dreams that reflect it. (Neither last too long - just short snippets)Jay has the choice of 3 lovely boys all with their own qualities (I liked all of them and wasn't sure who I wanted her to choose) - lucky girl! I cried when she made her choice and I cried at the end -The ending is surprising, shocking and heart breakingly sad....my heart is hurting! Can't wait to get some time later today and read the next book! I think I'll need my tissues ready. x[bc:Ruining You|16242085|Ruining You (Ruining, #2)|Nicole Reed|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358614255s/16242085.jpg|22254937]